• Newest Team Member

    Welcome: durandetto

  • Supporting Vendors

    Custom Offsets

    Road Ready Performance

    Amsoil Dealer

  • News

    Update 12-26-2016: At 10:30 a.m. we just hit 100,000 LIKES! Thank you so much for your love and support!

    Update 1-25-2016: We finally did it! 50,000 Facebook Fans!

    Update 8-26-2015: Over the last few days we've been cleaning up and making things easier to find. We hope you like the changes.

    Update 3-31-2015: Today we just hit 25,000 Facebook Fans! Thank you so much for the support you have shown us.
  • Donations

    If you enjoy our Duramax community and would like to give something in return, you can make a donation. All donations are greatly appreciated.

    Select your preferred currency and donation amount, then click the donate button.