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Thread: Awards & Achievements

  1. Top Of Page | #1
    Duramax Admin IGOTADURAMAX's Avatar

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    Awards & Achievements

    A lot of people have been noticing a new program that we have been working on called Awards & Achievements. This program isn't all set up yet, but in the coming month we hope to have it all done and in full effect.

    For now we will give you a quick run down on this program and why we chose to do this. This program is to reward people for doing certain actions and being an involved member of our community. Example: Making 10 posts will get a reward. Example: Becoming a premium member gets you an award and so on. This program will also let you collect points for rewards that we will be giving away. There are so many things we will be doing with this program and everyone can be involved.

    Please bear with us as we get everything set up and going. We will be posting up in this thread letting you know of all the changes that will be coming with this program.

    Thank you, God bless.
    Without you, we cease to exist. Without your support, we stop growing. Without your involvement, we remain at a standstill.
    Thank you for your faithfulness to our organization and your creative ideas and support.


  2. Top Of Page | #2
    Duramax Admin IGOTADURAMAX's Avatar

    User Info Menu

    All trophies have been uploaded and set.

    Stay tuned for more!
    Without you, we cease to exist. Without your support, we stop growing. Without your involvement, we remain at a standstill.
    Thank you for your faithfulness to our organization and your creative ideas and support.


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