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Thread: IGOTADURAMAX.COM Code Of Conduct.

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    Duramax Admin IGOTADURAMAX's Avatar

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    IGOTADURAMAX.COM Code Of Conduct.


    1. Please welcome new members.
    2. Everyone is equal.
    3. Everyone is to be respected.
    4. No bashing.
    5. No stalking or mistreating ladies who join us: treat with respect at all times.
    6. No cussing at each other.
    7. There are NO stupid questions. Each question asked could help others, and builds the data base. Remember you might know that answer so please help others.
    8. No hijacking post threads or posting irrelevant sidetracks unless it's in the Off Topic Forum.
    9. If there is a issue please report the post so we can take care of the issue in a calm manner. Don't engage and make the situation worse. Remember these are forums and sometimes posts can come across the wrong way, and the person didn't mean to offend you.
    10. NO DRAMA!!!! If you like to cause DRAMA then we are not for you, and you will be banned. We have a great community and will not let a few ruin it for us all.

    Thanks again everyone. Each one of you are awesome and we thank you all from the bottom of ours hearts for supporting us each and every day. Have a great Duramax day.

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    Senior Member Polaraco's Avatar

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